Turbocharge Your Self-Awareness.

Do you consider yourself to be self-aware? 

If you’re like most of my audience, you probably consider yourself to be a bit of a self-identified personal development junkie. I’m right there with you, having taken the dive into personal growth and self-awareness some 20+ years ago now. 

After all the courses, certifications, and deep dives I’ve taken through the years, it’s always a treat when I stumble across some new trick or tool that helps me take my self-awareness to a new level. Last week I got another one. 

There is one question we should all be asking if we truly want to become self aware. 

And it isn’t “why?”

Unlike “why”, which is where most of us have gone through the years…

  • Why did this happen?

  • Why did I respond that way?

  • Why do I feel this way? 

…Why isn’t going to get you the results you want. 

The most powerful question we should all be asking instead is –


What did I do to make this happen?

What could I change about my response to get a better outcome?

What could I do to feel better in these circumstances?

One question keeps us stuck, looking in the rear view mirror –  ( Why?)

One propels us forward, towards massively improving our experiences  – ( What?)

What could I be doing differently to get a better outcome?

What would help me feel better about my circumstances?

What is the next, best step I can take now? 

Exchange  “why” questions for “what” instead - 

And get to the truth of WHAT is possible next. 

Here to help you reach your next level self-awareness. 

It’s what I do best. 

Reach out HERE and answer a few, simple questions to open the door to your most liberated, thriving self. 

PS: Tasha Eurich gave a wonderful Ted Talk on this subject. 

Her research provides some very compelling results about just how self-aware we really are. 

(Hint: Far fewer of us actually are self-aware). It’s worth a watch! 

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


4 Coping Skills Needed Now.


What’s in your control?