What’s in your control?

I have a confession. I’m a recovering control freak. 

Do you find yourself attempting to manipulate your surroundings or circumstances in order to create some comfort or calm? Of course that doesn’t usually work out well. 

Last week I brought you a spiritual approach to dealing with frustration. Some folks commented about how challenging it can be to understand what is actually within their control. It got me thinking about how simple this can be, yet how seldom we ever openly discuss what is or isn’t within our control.  The thought inspired me to write a simple note to you on the subject. I hope you find it insightful. 

I happen to believe that we can only control about 6 things in life including: 

1 Your mindset

2 Your health

3 The way you use your time

4 How you chose to communicate (hence manage your relationships)

5 Your feelings of abundance (Hint: It has nothing to do with how much you have)

6 Your feelings of connection (Hint: it has nothing to do with being with others)

Mastering these 6 concepts will massively change your experience of life. 

You’ll eliminate the struggle, grind, and itch to try to control everything. You simply won’t care to. 

Would it be worth digging in and working towards this mastery? 

What if, in the process of becoming a master of these Big 6, you managed to have loads more






Mastering these 6 concepts will massively change your experience of life. 

Just saying. 

If you want to leap into the how, reach out HERE

Feel free to leave a comment or reply and reach me directly. I’m always open to a good, inspiring discussion. 

Till next time - 

Here’s to you being the master of all that actually matters. 

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


Turbocharge Your Self-Awareness.


Frustration: A Spiritual Perspective