The Best Kind of Busy

What do you do when your mind is so completely exhausted it feels as if you have brain freeze? No real thoughts. You are unable to string words together to complete a sentence kind of exhausted?

That was me as I sat this weekend to create this message for you.
It was an especially long, draining week.
The usual tactics to get myself in creative (or at least creation) mode didn’t work.
So, I did what all respectable, frazzled people do.

I drew a hot bath and added salt.
I poured some wine in a nice glass.
I turned on some perfectly mellow music.
And I disappeared.

I slipped under the water and felt myself drift away.
It’s not uncommon for me to fall asleep in the bath.
And to wake when the water has turned cold.

I was out.
There was no shame or guilt in carving out this time for me.

I didn’t answer calls or texts.
My email and social media messages would also have to wait.
I was busy.
The good kind.

Busy doing something I should do far more often.
Loose the busy.

Today’s message is that simple.
Loose the busy.
Don’t ask permission. Just do it.

We humans aren’t meant to push so hard.
We do break.
Slowly, gradually we find the wall and hit it hard.
We are no use to anyone broken.
This indulgent time just for me (for you) is the beginning of all our best work.

If you need support in resetting and embracing the miraculous power of self-love, let’s talk.  Contact me here. I teach women how to turn burnout into acceleration so that you can stay in your career and play bigger. The success you long for is closer and more simple than you currently realize. I’ll show you the way.

Bubbles anyone?

With great love and respect for all you’re trying to manage,


Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

On Real, Meaningful Allies.


Secret Ninja Move for Burnout