On Real, Meaningful Allies.

“I must be a mermaid. I have no fear of depths, and a great fear of shallow living.” - Anais Nin

Anais Nin is one of my favorite poets. Her words are real, poignant and thought-provoking. When I recently rediscovered this one, I heard it with new ears. My perspective, like yours I imagine, has changed a great deal lately, especially in the wake of the pandemic. There is a fundamental shift in the way we are feeling and what we will and will no longer tolerate.

Pure exhaustion is prevalent, not just from the amount of work we’ve done but from the amount of soul-less interactions we keep having.

You can’t continue to be so isolated and insulated. As humans, we crave connection with other humans and especially with those who allow us to be our truthful selves and love us none-the-less. We need people who can sit with us through our pain and struggles and, when asked, are willing to support and encourage us to find higher ground.

Our tolerance of trivial matters and shallow thinking is at the end. Do you feel this? Do you hunger for someone to help you get very present in a powerful and purposeful way? Someone who can help you evolve, to grow, to help you experience higher thinking? Who do you know that you can count on to be this for you?

Do you have a community of support beyond your friendships and family?

Do these people genuinely know what’s best for you and champion you to get there?

Do you feel fed, nurtured, supported by others? Or do you notice that your 'allies' actually  spend most of their time gossiping and disparaging others? (That's a strong indication they aren't the people you want with you in the trenches.) 

What do you get from those you give your valuable time to? For most of us, we spend entirely too much time giving all of ourselves to others with only resentment remaining. (Resentment is a serious clue that you're out of alignment with your true values and boundaries.)

The point is you need at least one real, reliable and conscious soul in your corner.

The pandemic shook us at our core and forced us to look at what we value.

The Big Resignation is so much more than remote work and flexible hours.

I think of it as a big reset. Organizations who hope to survive in this new world must recognize what it will take for employees to be happy. And employees need to be asking themselves that all important question as well. What do you really want now?

Time seems to be speeding up and we want to live the fullest lives possible with whatever time we have. (No gloom and doom - just awareness of life’s fragility). We no longer take for granted the abundance of health and connections that we once enjoyed so boundlessly or the job security we once enjoyed.

There are two camps of people.  (No, not left or right.) There are those who are taking advantage of this time and doing something magical with it. And there are those who play shallow and who are afraid to venture in deep.

My clients fall in the first group. They are evaluating the use of their time and deciding to finally dedicate more of it to what they value most. They are carving out time for self care and their families. Some are pursuing ideas they once only dreamt about, like writing a book or starting a nonprofit to support a group in need. Others are taking courageous action to repair broken relationships. And some are giving one last go (or their first real push) at the career they deeply desire having. With the attitude of ‘there is no time like the present” I’m helping them go after what matters in their hearts. 

Which group do you occupy?

Our souls are no longer willing to stay silent.

An increasing amount of women come to me now because they know the way I work is different. I don’t want to make small talk. I don’t want to stroke your ego. I want to help you find pieces of you that you never knew existed. As one client said in a recent conversation, “Geez, Sara - leave it to you to go in deep. I can always count on that with you. There’s no messing around.” I consider that a high compliment. While I’m exceptionally loving and kind, I won’t waste your time or mine.

Since I was a young girl, I’ve had a keen awareness of Spirit, of God, of all things Divine.

I didn’t know that I was clairaudient until I was in my thirties. I assumed everyone had this same counsel. Working with my clients, I consider this intelligence to be the most profound way of helping you navigate beyond the world you currently know. Your soul is likely speaking to you right now and, without understanding what to look for, to listen for, you may be missing the most important directions anyone could ever provide for you. That’s where I come in, working as a soul-interpreter.

Can you imagine KNOWING what your best next steps truly are?

Stop looking for others to give you all the answers; you have them already. You just need to learn how to access them. I can help you listen deeper.

That exhaustion you are feeling? That’s a key indication that it’s time!

I’d love to support you to the next level of your real, monumental success - as defined by your soul. Success that’s sure to light you up! Contact me HERE. I want to be your coach.

No strings attached. This is just an invitation to experience what it’s like to be swimming with ease - or floating- you choose your metaphor. Just know that your first session is on me.

Wishing you the wisdom to know when it's time to take courageous, life-affirming action.

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


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