Secret Ninja Move for Burnout

Last week I came to you with insights on how to turn burnout into acceleration energy so that you can get to new heights in your career and life. This is the area where I work magic.

If you’re a woman wanting to get to your next level of success, I want to be your coach.

I can teach ninja moves to find grander possibilities - ones that you likely don’t know exist.

Here’s the truth. When you’re suffering from burnout, many of the ways to combat this mental, physical and emotional fatigue are counter-intuitive. Sure, you can rest. But rest alone doesn’t address the real problem. Sure you could suck it up and push through, but that actually hurts your psyche in the long term. Wanna know why? Because they aren’t recognizing this critical fact:

Burn cannot be solved by self-help techniques.

There are loads of self-development programs out there that aim to motivate you to get the results you want, to meet the goals you dream about. The self-improvement industry is valued at over $13 billion at present and growing. More and more people are recognizing the need to focus on their personal changes and growth (thank heavens!). But when it comes to burn-out, the typical self-help moves are futile. Why? Because the attention needed to fix the problem is much bigger than your mind can manage. Afterall, your mind is what created this mess to start with. As a super wise man once said,

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein

From coaching women for more than 20 years now, I know a thing or two about burnout.

And I know that you too likely need new approaches and fresh thinking in order to manage the deep-rooted issues that have you so incredibly frazzled.

How open are you to test-driving new ways of thinking?

Are you willing to have your beliefs and stories and truths challenged if the result could bring you more ease , more success (your definition), less stress, and loads more joy, a feeling of having a valuable purpose - would you be willing to play in a new field of thought with me?

If you could magically have more energy to go after your dreams (a better job, promotion or raise…to name a few), would you be open to doing something that, for a short time, might feel a tad awkward? If so, you’re ready for the ninja move I promised earlier. But first, you must embrace a truth that will help prepare you for this transformation:

Burnout = a soul-level SOS

If you’ve been working on solutions from your brilliant head space and haven’t recognized that you have a soul that is exponentially wiser, stronger, and more competent than your head, this is for you! Your burnout is likely because you are literally working against yourself. You’re likely listening to what others think, what others want for you, what others expect of you. There is nothing more magical than when you stop listening to anyone and everything other than your heart. Your heart is where your soul’s voice resides.

Your heart provides you with all the truths you need, answering questions with honesty each and every time. As I tell all my clients, “You have all the answers inside of you” and then I go to work helping them find them. You are so tired because you stopped listening to your inner guidance.

This soul guidance was there with you when you were younger.

It was there when you once felt you had the world by the tail so you went after what you most wanted. It was there when you fell in love (because it always allows you to feel your best). And, no matter what you’ve been telling yourself, your soul guidance never left. You just forgot how to hear it as you leaned more on the guidance of others.

The Ninja move

What now? How do you hear this guidance again so that you can get your tired, mopey a#@$ turned around and radiating confidence, ease, beauty and grace again?

It’s quite simple (if you give this a real shot) and it’s so powerful!

  • Sit with your eyes closed.

  • Breathe deeply a few times to get settled and relaxed in your body.

  • Bring all your attention to the inside of your being, allowing all the sounds and distractions beyond you to melt away. Hold this attention until you have no desire to be elsewhere. Settle in, as if in a cozy, favorite chair.

  • Bring your attention to your heart. Imagine there is a light globe in the space where your heart resides and you can turn-up the light to make it beam outward. Feel how this sensation changes you.

  • With the light globe turned on, think of something that you love.

  • Allow yourself to bathe in the warmth of the love you’re remembering for at least several seconds. The longer, the better.

  • Now, bring your attention back to your heart space and set the intention of being fully present to what can be revealed for you.

  • Ask your inner knowing, your soul this simple question, “What is one piece of important guidance I need at this moment?” Listen, just calmly expecting some new awareness to rise up.

For many, there is a voice to be heard. Others receive visuals. Whatever form your messaging, it’s all perfectly fine and as it should be.

  • If you don’t hear anything, continue this practice with more gentleness and the intent to surrender more deeply into the unknown with curiosity until which time you do.

  • Repeat. I don’t mean to repeat once. I mean repeat and repeat and repeat.

Every time you have anything of importance you are questioning in your life, do this process. Eventually, you’ll begin to find that a small, still voice inside has far more to offer than anyone on the outside.

You are not alone

This process of soul-level listening begins to change you. You will start to realize that you are deeply loved (as you’ll hear when you listen intently.) When you do, and you start heeding the advice you’ve been given, the overwhelm starts to fade away and you start doing what you’re called here to do, to be. That’s when burn-out energy doesn’t stand a fighting chance.

This is the work that I love - helping you find your deep, soul guidance so that you become all you came here to be. Crazy weird things happen when you do. You just stop struggling. Well, you’ll at least frame it in a different way. The struggles become challenges just to test your desires so that you get to the next level, and the next, and the next. This practice allows you to realize a transformative fact: you always have support from the inside.

If you’re challenged to get to the level where inner guidance happens with ease, get support. Why waste another day (much less years) floundering? In as little as 30 days, I can help ensure you connect with your divine guidance system, when we work one-on-one. This life-empowering work creates results beyond words.

To sample this for yourself, reach out HERE . I want to give you a complimentary session so you can experience this for yourself.

Till next week - Wishing you much vision to get beyond whatever is draining you of your brilliance.

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

The Best Kind of Busy


Burnout. Use it to Propel You.