On playing deeper
I’ve got a bit of a big, heady thing to put in front of you today. It’s a hack to happiness.
Sound valuable?
Have you ever noticed how your mind wants to neatly compartmentalize everything into a category of good or bad or right versus wrong? What if I told you that this process of labeling is fundamentally flawed? What if told you there are no such labels in reality; there is only your perception of or meaning-making around such labels?
What if I told you that…
The most valuable lessons in life happen when you make a concerted effort to release ALL judgements?
For more than 20 years now, I’ve coached clients from around the world, each who was dealing with their own internal struggles with judgment. Each of these clients had a preconceived notion of what was allowed or not allowed, what was good or bad. More importantly, each of these clients experienced loads of pain and struggle because of these labels.
Divorced. Wounded. Terminated. Replaced. Exhausted. Dependent. Unseen. Unworthy.
When they began to toss the labels and ease into allowing for a new, richer experience, they discovered exquisite new freedoms and growth that propelled them forward, for many, in a way beyond words.
The truth is that most “opposites” naturally coexist.
It’s the natural way of life. Your mind only makes up a story otherwise.
Growth and Mistakes
Light and dark
Learning and unlearning
Trust and fear
Anxiety and confidence
Love and hate
Prey and predator
Life and death
White is not the absence of color; it’s the presence of all colors. Embracing the ‘all’ of your experience can help you feel bliss. It is only your small ego mind that tells you otherwise.
Could curiosity help you see another perspective?
Are you willing to play with this on a deeper level?
Reply to this email and let me hear what happens!
The best lies ahead for those who chose to open their eyes more fully.