Lovin’ Your Rhythm!

I’m in awe of your rhythm!

It’s astounding what it says about you!

The odds are that you thought I was talking about something musical, like your ability to pick up a tune and sing-along or copy a trendy dance sequence from TikTok.

Yeah, no; that’s not what I had in mind.

If you have anxiety often, listen-up!

As a coach who specializes in helping people get to their zone of zen, calm, and clarity, natural rhythm cycles have become something of great importance to me and my clients.

If you haven’t checked in with your internal rhythm lately, I’ve got money on the table that you experience lots of anxiety. Anxiety is the natural response to a “system override”.

Stop dancing to someone else’s drum!

Each of us is governed by an exquisite, internal guidance system - our natural rhythm cycle. You have a unique rhythm all your own, a rhythm that tells you when we’re thirsty and when we need to pee, when you’re hungry, when time for play, time to be creative, and time to rest.

But in this modern age, the ability (and desire) to pay attention to the nudges of our own, natural rhythms is often denied. You’ve been told by everyone around you what you “should’ do instead and you comply often (too often), yes?

Repeat after me, “No shoulding!”

Does the phrase “I should” preface your decision making often? This is a tale-tell sign you are listening to the external world over your own guidance. As one of my mentors often says, “Should is ‘could’ with shame smeared on top.” Never respond from the energy of shame because this erodes your self-esteem and sovereignty. (A few additional phrases to banish with similar unconscious, negative outcomes are “I need to” and “I have to”.)

It takes a lot of awareness to see this and respond better. And it’s so worth it!

No more pushing through!

Anytime you feel yourself pushing - to get something done, to just get through, please stop.

Stop and allow yourself a moment of pause to check in. Ask yourself this one, important question: Is this what my soul really wants in this moment? If the answer is ‘no’, choose better. Yes, it really can be that simple.

Ignoring your internal guidance causes much erosion to your self-esteem. 

I repeated this statement to ensure you heard me. Over time, this destruction of sovereignty takes its toll. Conversely, when you obey the guidance of your internal nudges, the wise rhythm of your nature, you have the opportunity to reset and begin anew. The healing can be much faster than you likely imagine. It’s been fascinating to witness how the pandemic has affected so many to deeply desire this reset. Are you noticing much more internal nudging to choose what feels good, right, and truthful for you?

I’m wrapping this up because my own internal rhythm is asking me to rest.

Wishing you the strength and self-love to listen deeply and dance to your own, sacred beat. 

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


On playing deeper


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