Lessons from a Tide Pool

Are you struggling a bit more than you’d like? Here are some small but powerful lessons to help. 

On a recent trip to The Monterey Bay Aquarium, a friend and I pondered the resiliency of all the amazing little organisms in the tide pools. Despite their fragile appearance, they can be powerful teachers, especially during these uncertain times.

There’s a lot we can learn from a tide pool. 

Here’s a short list: 

Expect the wave. 

There is no such thing as a consistently calm life. You are fooling yourself if you believe otherwise. Sooner or later, a big wave comes and will attempt to take you down. Your survival rate is directly proportionate to your ability to expect the wave and hold tight. Sometimes you just gotta bear down, grip hard, and ride things out. Knowing that there will always be another wave (or some kind) will help you feel more prepared, less threatened, more empowered. 

Evolve stronger.

Without the waves, these little organisms wouldn’t grow as sturdy. Each push from nature is a way of helping them (and you) evolve and advance the species. Try to change your perspective and find the gift that comes with life’s hard knocks. 

Enjoy the respites.

When the tide is out and the seas are calm, take advantage of the serenity in the moment. Use this time to rest up for later challenges. Who knows when you’ll get the chance again to recharge. Don’t feel guilty for taking breaks. You can’t possibly maintain your grip without becoming exhausted and powerless. Take a cue. When the tide goes out, take some breaths.

Rely on your community.

Sea creatures live in a symbiotic culture. They are interdependent, meaning they rely upon one another for many things contributing to their survival. Find a community that will have your back when times get tough. Don’t go it alone! That’s called bait. 

Don’t trust the sharks.

Speaking of bait… Unlike our little tide pools friends, you have the capacity to move to safer territory when the sharks begin to circle. This is a freedom not to be taken lightly. Feel threatened? Unsafe? Use your legs and hit the sand. Learn to trust your instincts and find higher ground. 

Dive in.

In deeper waters, it’s estimated that some 90% of sea creatures glow in the dark. It’s a process called Bioluminescence and it has scientists baffled. Most project exquisite colors and light shows to protect their loved ones or to attract a mate. Unless you’re willing to dive deeper, you’ll never experience their magnificent displays which are reserved only for those willing to step beyond the norm, their comfort zone.

I hope these little metaphors have provided some wise insights for you. There is a lot of turmoil in our world but there are also a lot of beautiful lessons and brilliance to be experienced right under your nose, in nature. 

If you are struggling and could use some support, I’d love to be your coach. 

For twenty plus years, I’ve worked with clients around the globe and assisted them in finding calm, clarity and best next steps in the midst of their worst, tsunami level situations. 

They always land safely on shore. You can too. 

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


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