You really can have it all!

I’m curious why you might think you don’t have everything in life that you most desire? 

It’s an important question to ask ourselves and often. 

Here’s my theory: As women, we tend to put everyone else’s needs in front of our own. The kids and our partners get the best of what’s available, leaving scraps for us ladies. After all, it’s engrained in our culture. “Good” moms, wives and daughters are selfless. Ladies who are responsible are caregivers to their community.  We even experience shame when wanting something all our own. 

But have you ever stopped to think about the reason for the instructions provided when flying that point specifically to using your own oxygen mask before assisting other passengers? 

In my work with all my clients, I witness this hesitancy to invest in themselves even when it means getting the exact support and guidance needed to make it to the next level in their careers, their relationships, in creating their very happiness…until one day they hear the calling that they’re just done playing small.  When this happens, everything from here is magical because there really is solid wisdom in taking care of ourselves SO THAT we have more resources available from which to pass along to others, our work, our world.  

My business coaches are always pushing to be very specific about what benefits one could expect from working one-on-one with me. The thing is, what happens for my clients is often beyond words. Sure, there are amazing, tangible benefits like increased confidence, less anxiety, more feelings of ease, joy and recovery from old, wounding stories. Still, the most persuading language to share comes from those who’ve done the work. 

Today, I’d like to share a few of the testimonials from those who decided it was time to get more out of life than the ‘running on fumes” approach that they were experiencing. Hopefully, their words will inspire you to do the same.

“Sara has been a beacon of truth in my life. She has a magical way about her that has helped me by decoding and deciphering the underlying cause of my emotional and physical discomfort. I am always able to walk away from her sessions with a clear understanding of my challenges and feeling empowered to do the work necessary to break poor habits and patterns permanently. The work she is bringing to the world is and will continue to cause a major shift in human evolution.” — Jackie

“My journey with Sara has been the most magical and liberating experience of my life. She has provided me with the tools to become and love the most authentic version of myself where I am strong, confident, and empowered. Sara has guided me through the peaks and valleys of my past and shown me that we are always evolving and that it is all about how you embrace the change. I cannot express how grateful I am to have the opportunity to work with this amazing human! She has changed my life in so many ways and I am forever thankful. 


“Sara’s impact on me has produced a life-changing, personal transformation. I never imagined that I could work through a lifetime of destructive behaviors, low self-esteem, and relationship issues within the first few sessions. Her keen intuition, awareness and intellect, along with her empathetic and non-judgmental approach was miraculous. Sara has the ability to look into my entire being and give me the words, tools, and exercises to heal the deep wounds that I have carried around my entire life. She has an extraordinary gift for helping others. It’s nothing like the therapy or counseling I have tried to no avail. It is truly a ground breaking way to sustainable recovery. Choosing to work with Sara was by far one of the best decisions I have ever made.” — Theresa

When I started working with Sara, I was at the lowest point in my life - I really couldn't imagine any favorable scenario out of the situation I was in. In less than 4 months, my whole life completely changed in a way I didn't believe was possible, I’ve grown into a much better version of myself. I don't understand how I was able to live my life the way I did before. I am finally happy and grateful and excited about what my future holds. With Sara’s help, I feel I can achieve my wildest dreams and attract anything and anyone into my life. —Vlad

“Sara Loos is one truly connected soul, a rare soul. She is authentic, empathetic, present. I felt her profoundly connected to my energy. She has helped me tons. There are many out there that do this work, but Sara is THE REAL DEAL! And I thank her for that!”  —Linda

I went to Chopra, I did Abrahams’ teachings, and Wayne Dyer – and while they all helped me in so many ways – Sara’s tools and approach were the forever “it works for me”. I can say with all my heart that I love her for helping me keep my ego at bay when needed, to listen to my body’s own unique language and heal heal heal – to be someone I truly LOVE”.


“While I possess many resources and tools to help myself through life, Sara has been the one consistent tool that has helped me gently break through my plateaus and guide me through my most challenging moments. Her intuitive nature and calm demeanor have always allowed me to feel safe and supported while giving me actionable steps to take to heal and step back into my power.” —Jessica

“The sessions I experienced with Sara and her special insight opened my eyes to some old programs running in the background of my mind that were not healthy nor productive in my personal and professional life and opened the door for long- overdue healing and transformation. I am excited for all of the individuals that will benefit from her positive, caring, and life-changing influence. Thank you Sara for being who you are and for sharing your amazing gifts!” —Tina

“Sara is a celestial soul in an earthly body. Her positive energy is contagious and she can not help but make a lasting impression on those put in her path. Sara has the unique gift of sight into a place that many are unable to see. Her words are genuine and piercing to the deepest part of me while always coming from a place of unconditional love, truth and light. Sara has made an impact on my life, teaching me how to become and love my higer self. I am empowered, enlightened, and eternally grateful.” — Denicia

A lovely quote to remind us of the value of our days: “Sometimes we’re all too quick to count down the days that we forget to make the days count.”  What would YOU do differently if given the support to rapidly transform things in your life? I hope you take time to explore this thought and decide that you truly are already worthy and deserving of every dream you have for yourself! 

Until next time, stay true to yourself and go do something radically amazing to show you matter! You got this! Cheers!

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

On Assessing Your Wisest Resources.


Building Connection with Others