On Assessing Your Wisest Resources.

Have you ever been in an emergent situation where you had to choose, in a split second or two, which way you would act, with the outcome being potentially momentus?

You’re asked for the final vote on a project moving forward or stalling, given the opportunity to speak up for someone being criticised, or have a last-minute call to join friends for an outing away and you’ve got a deadline looming - how do you respond? 

These ‘in the moment’ decisions are often the toughest because they present us with the intense awareness of feeling secure in our ability to be personally resourceful, or not. 

Folks who are highly dependent upon others’ opinions, who seek approval and validation from others, will always have the weakest personal resourcefulness. 

Resourcefulness typically refers to finding solutions in the world beyond us. We can garner help for example from a trusted friend that we might call to weigh in on our decision. Or, most often, we're likely to jump online and do a Google search for a website that offers more information. Our world in the last twenty years has given us access to exponential possibilities with regards to information. But once you have the added information, how do you actually determine what’s your own, best answer? 

For some time now, I’ve been teaching a skill set that I now can’t imagine being without. 

I call it my highest guidance. It’s the ability to tap into my most resourceful well of wisdom that is very specific to my own requirements. The answers are sourced from my personal values, my world view, my highest vision for my own life. For me, making choices about outcomes always relies on my ability to ask, “Does this serve my highest good?” Or “Will my future self be proud of me for making this choice?” These two questions help me ground, re-center, and align with what my heart most desires. In any given moment, even when the heat is turned up high and an answer is needed right away, I take a sacred pause, breathe, and ask these two questions. And then I listen. 

We are all wired with sacred guidance; it is as innate to our beings. The trick is to learn to access this deep pool of confidence and clarity and to trust that it, in fact, our most brilliant source of truth. 

What would change for you if you were to have all the best answers for you, even in a pinch? 

It’s worth considering. Would you have more ease and joy? Most definitely! Would you experience fear less, and less anxiety? Most assuredly! 

Admittedly,  the practice of accessing this pool of wisdom isn’t easy. It requires a detachment from the world’s answers for us over our own, authentic higher knowing - and many of us are still struggling with what others think of us and requiring validation. (That’s another practice within the practice to address). And most important, it demands that we lose our addiction to fear. 

Here’s the good news. When we fully experience and embrace the source, the field, the energy that is all love and all supporting, fear naturally dissipates. With fear out of the way, our own brilliant, wisest answers begin to just naturally bubble up. We’re given guidance at every turn. Resources seem to magically appear and we become steady in our world, even in the midst of outward chaos. 

Now more than ever, our world needs us to think bigger, better, wiser, and in ways that unify versus divide. We are capable of so much more.

You have the ability to have all the answers to any question in a way whereby the outcome will always serve you and others best. This is the life-changing work that I love and the work that is changing how my clients show up in the world. If you’d like to step into your greatest potential, grab a spot in my calendar and let’s talk.

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


On Taking a Sacred Pause.


You really can have it all!