Knowing you.

I’m in an interesting place as I write you today.
I feel a bit on fire about my work, deeply passionate about what has been changing and shifting in the lives of so many of my clients. 

Because of my own coaches, I’m now discovering how my story defines who I am and the distinction of my work versus others out there. It’s so very important to reach a place where you deeply know yourself and what you’re here to do and be.  Do you feel this too?

To that end, I am using this forum today to share some awareness with you about who I am and why I do what I do because I feel like I know you. You came here, to my site, for answers. Could THIS person truly help me with my dreams? Could THIS coach actually make a difference for me? You decide. If nothing more, I hope that this message will help you step more fully into your own awareness of you, your story, and what you can change on your way to wholeness.

This is me. Can you relate? 

I came from a corporate, high-stress and high-level career in New York City and Los Angeles that taught me more than enough about the pressures of women having to work three times as hard as men to get noticed while (in juxtaposition) doing my best to avoid the sexual innuendoes from male bosses and colleagues when I became visible. I now know how I would speak and hold myself in a way as to remain in my power and authority. This is the keen insight and tools I teach my clients so that can be powerful and purposeful and manage the conflict that ensues as a result. 

I discovered that I have been deeply intuitive since childhood. I am more present for you and what is really happening than your closest friends and family members. You will be seen, heard, and witnessed for all that you’re capable of, far beyond your story.

At 35, I was called into healing. It chose me and I am forever grateful as this opened up my greatest skillsets. My clients receive deep, inner world healing from trauma, much of which they don’t even recognize they have. Much of this trauma is inherited from generations of women in their families who had to be “lesser than” in order to be safe. I use science-backed techniques (and some more unexplainable) to eliminate the subconscious programming that causes you to respond with fear when you are ready to step out and shine.

I recently left my marriage of 27 years because I believe in living aligned with my heart and my values. I woke up one day and realized that I was going through the motions for someone else and that I was deeply unhappy. I believe that marriage takes a lot of work and it’s worth it when both individuals are on the same page in terms of desires. When they are not, we should be allowed to pursue what fulfills us without shame. Women, following their purpose and passions should never be shamed. 

I am a woman who, since a little peanut, felt called to do things of value, to help others, to live a life of meaning and impact. Today, I am dedicated to helping other women who have a similar calling to move the obstacles that keep her from doing just this and waking up to their aliveness and greatest joy.

I am a mother who wants nothing more than to leave the world a better place for my daughters, to create more freedoms and liberties for them to make their own choices and have their voices. Women have been suppressed for far too long. 

I believe there’s space enough for all of us to shine. We have to stop competing with our sisters. All the most beautiful of music is so because of the collection of voices and sounds made from the variety of instruments. I help you overcome the lack mentality that keeps you believing there isn’t a chair for you at the table or that you aren’t good enough yet to sing your song.  

I am emotional and vulnerable. I’ve come to learn that this is one of my greatest assets. I’ve learned to embrace my feeling world and to master how to use it to serve me in the best of ways. Anxiety, stress, depression and fear no longer have a chokehold on me. As a result, I embrace my feminine energies and love being in my tender skin. I no longer feel the need to be masculine to create my success. You can learn the same. It’s all about embracing your authentic nature. 

I am deeply, continuously guided by my inner wisdom. I believe our greatest potential resides in our ability to access this wisdom in the heart, something I frequently call “the voice of God within” Call it God, Source, Spirit, Soul, Universe, whatever label you choose. What matters is awareness of the massive improvements experienced when we begin living from this heart-centered wisdom instead of that of the mind. The mind is the critic; The heart is the lover. I’m personally done with the ridicule of this world and choose a higher master.

I believe in miracles. I even wrote about miracles five years ago that focuses on how we each have the capacity to create them in our own lives. A miracle is, after all, only something coming true that you once thought to be impossible. The work I do creates “impossible” outcomes for my clients and for myself. When we step into the quantum field of possibilities, there is no limit to what we can accomplish, especially when in harmony with the intrinsic flow of nature. 

My story is shared because I feel deeply connected to you and your story. If what I shared here resonates with you, take time to reflect on what your heart is asking of you. 

I have yet to meet a person who didn’t want to be more/do more, in their life. If you feel you’re playing smaller than you desire and you want to step more fully into your potential, let’s talk. 

That calling was placed on your heart for a reason. Together, we’ll see how far that desire can take you. 

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

What is avoiding conflict costing you?


Have You Stopped Desiring?