Can you stop now?

Are you feeling the heaviness of the world of late?

Do your bones ache for deep rest? 

For the past several days, I’ve found myself hitting a wall by 3 PM, unable to focus on one. more. thing. Have you had a similar experience?  

What do you do when you know you need to rest? 

Do you listen to your body and allow yourself to stop? 

If not, why not? 

It’s a loaded question, trust me. 

If not, is it because you have a tape running in your head that says

  • You must push on; only weak people take breaks after all!

  • You haven’t done enough yet to deserve the break!

  • What will others think of you if you stop?

  • You’re almost there (although your ’to do’ has no end in sight)!

  • Others are counting on you (to do more for them).

  • When I stop, I don’t like the way I feel (about my feelings).

After coaching for more than 20 years, I’ve heard all the excuses. I ask the hard questions that need to be asked so that you come away from our time together enlightened by what you didn’t know about yourself and inspired to do better. With that same spirit, I invite you to ask yourself honestly, why don’t you just stop pushing? 

Lately I’ve heard of far more physical alignments developing because of the trauma being inflicted on bodies and souls that just need a break. We’re not meant for the extreme sports of life we’re constantly exposed to nowadays. Our physical forms need care and attention.  Cracking the code on why you keep pushing is meaningful. Take time to ask and listen deeply to the answer your body shares. 

I’m heading off to take a nap. Yep, a face-down, no interruptions time out. 

I encourage you to do the same. 

Just 20 to 30 minutes of sleep or meditation can help you reset and rethink your best, next steps. 

Take a break from the heavy and just be able to be. 

PS: I play deep. If you’d like to learn how to swim in the space where you learn all the best insights that liberate you from old programming and struggle, let’s talk. Get a complimentary session HERE. No heavy sales pressure - just tools and tricks to give you the break you really need. That’s my commitment to you. 

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

Do you need to be needed?


Clarity = Compassion