Clarity = Compassion

Would folks say that you are someone who communicates your desires clearly? You might be surprised by their answers! 

Often, my clients believe they’re great communicators till it comes to inspiring others to do what they want. And they often blame their colleagues, spouses, or friends when they miss the mark. They complain often about being let down by others. Sound familiar? 

Here’s a sneaky fact: Clarity equals compassion. 

When you can’t be bothered to provide specifics of your ask, you’re not being sympathetic, especially if you think that others should ‘just know’ what you mean when making requests.

Why is this important? Because what we do in one area of our life, we do in all areas of our life. So, if you’re often frustrated and feel people are often letting you down, maybe the finger needs to be pointing back at yourself. Are you willing to dive deeper to explore your communication misses? 

Another fact, we’re all so incredibly different. Knowing that others don’t think like you, aren’t motivated by the same things as you, and they definitely don’t have the same desired outcomes as you helps to make you more aware of the importance of clarity. 

If you find yourself blaming others for not doing things ‘the right way’ or following directions well, get in the habit of checking your ask

Write out all the points you feel are relevant in order for the other person to be successful with your request and then see if it meets the following criteria:

1.    Can the person receiving these instructions visibly see (in their imagination) what you are requesting? What does ‘done’ look like? If there aren’t enough details provided, go back and fill in the blanks. 

2.    Do they know if you will be accessible when questions arise or have you abandoned involvement till the assignment is complete? Knowing they can come to you with questions through the process matters. It shows you’re open to their desire for success.  

3.    Did you set a realistic, achievable deadline and did you communicate this timing to completion clearly? Don’t assume they know when you want it. 

4.    Did you check their translation of your needs? Have them read back to you the details of your request before they waste time and energy. Otherwise, be willing to put all the details of your request in writing.  Their time is valuable as well. Be kind; don’t make them to go on a wild goose chase.

Get in the habit of communicating your requests with as much clarity as possible.

This prevents you from being disappointed and allows others a greater opportunity to shine. 

It’s how everyone can get a win.

Self-awareness is how we open ourselves to deeper connection and fulfillment with others. It’s how we can all become better leaders, family members, friends, parents, and people. Your communication is but a small part of the equation.

I’ve spent more than 20 years helping empower my clients to gain the self-awareness that helps them be far more compassionate and ultimately successful in their lives. I’d love to be the same for you. Grab a complimentary session with me HERE. You’ll leave with great clarity of how to become a better version of you. That’s a promise. 

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

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