Follow Your Bliss

When was the last time you felt true bliss? 

It can be much more challenging when the world around us seems to be falling apart. Yet bliss is not only possible but a guarantee when you know how to anchor it into your existence. 

What would it take to feel bliss daily, especially in places where there can be discontent, like work?  

It is possible to create more bliss anywhere. It’s easier than you might think. 

Here are 3 practices to touch into and experience bliss more regularly.

1 Create space for bliss.

Bliss doesn’t just come to you without conscious intention. Like anything of preference, you need to carve out some focussed time to choose bliss over your usual, humdrum life. 

Decide to take a minimum of 10 minutes daily to sit in silence and allow yourself to put your attention on finding your bliss. No interruptions allowed. Life takes over and your bliss won’t compete with the manuchia that otherwise fills the minutes. 

2 Dream and Feel

This is where the real magic begins. Think of all the things that make you feel pure joy. What activities, work, projects or hobbies come rather naturally to you and fill you with joyful energy? What makes you feel expansive? Vibrant? Valuable? Beautiful? Energized? What contributions are your greatest; which do you enjoy and could do these in your sleep? If each day could be filled with only these types of activities, you’d be one happy camper. This is where you want to put your focus. Keep notes during this meditative time so that you can recall all the brilliant thoughts that come to mind. The secret sauce is all about allotting more time to feel pure joy and you can do this quickly by thinking of things that light you up. 

3 Believe

When you follow the path to your joy, magical things occur, even without any effort on your part. Feelings of joy attract circumstances and people that help compound your bliss. 

Believe that you are worthy and deserving of having work and a life filled with bliss. 

Believe that you can have shifts in your experience of life as you lean into bliss.

4 Trust

Last thing to note, bliss tends to inspire. New ideas begin to flood in on what's possible. Follow the threads you’re given. They just might be the gateway to the job you’re most aligned with or the person that will be your greatest advocate, partner or soul mate. 

We live in a spectacular universe. Spending time believing otherwise is denying yourself the chance to experience your own superpowers. 

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

Clarity = Compassion


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