3 Gifts of Winter

December has arrived, the last month of a long and tumultuous year for all. How perfect and apropos that this year should end with winter.  It couldn’t come soon enough! I hope these reminders will help you welcome winter and use this sacred time wisely. 

3 Valuable Gifts of Winter


In nature, winter is the time of dormancy. Bulbs lie torpid deep beneath the hard, cold ground and trees appear barren. Dissecting a branch, you might find life there - a small sliver of unexpected greenery, but the plant otherwise is in preservation mode, saving all its nutrients for spring. You can learn a lot from nature in this way. Going in and conserving your energy, both literally and figuratively, allows you to recharge.

Use this time to conserve your energy in preparation for the Spring that lies ahead. 

While we can’t hibernate, at least recognize the need for more sleep. Allow yourself the decadence of an afternoon nap or an earlier bedtime. Schedule fewer appointments, taking advantage of the darker hours that come sooner. Winter provides the best permission to conserve your energy. (You’re welcome!) You know you need this. Don't hesitate to blame the weather on your feeling the need to curl up and have a little snooze.


There are few things as beautiful, in my opinion, as a blanket of fresh snow. Something magical happens when a city is draped in the purity of winter. Even the busiest, most disorderly of towns feels incredibly serene after a good winter downfall. 

Years ago, I lived in Manhattan where a big snow could transform the city into a land of enchantment. The hustle and bustle halted. The streets emptied, causing total quiet. Slowly, people would wander out, mesmerized by beauty before them. Even the crankiest of folks softened and smiled. 

Winter gives us the opportunity to experience life in more simple terms. What’s possible (and not) when winter falls? You may be forced to do less because of road closures, flight delays, and other cancellations. Can you enjoy the time and space created and not rush to fill it?


Winter grants the perfect opportunity to snuggle up with a good book in front of a crackling fire or to sip hot tea while watching the birds scavenge for seeds beyond your window. 

Your senses are typically bombarded 24/7. Dedicating time to quiet allows your nervous system to calm and reset and it allows your mind to think more clearly. It may feel awkward at first, but don’t give up. The benefits, once acclimated, far outweigh the initial disconnect. 

When you are able to bring quiet into your outer world, you have a better chance at quieting your inner world. This is where the most exceptional experiences can happen. This is how anxiety and stress melt away.  More importantly, in the quiet domain of your inner world, your soul can finally be heard above the external clutter. And it has so much to share with you! All the foresight meant only for your ears is now given. The wisdom provided is always so remarkably timely. Will you make space to listen? 

You and all the energy you can bring the world is needed. PLEASE take time to take care of you. End the overwhelm by giving yourself permission to put yourself first, taking advantage of the season that gifts you with this opportunity now more than ever.

If you struggle with burnout and being able to do these practices, reach out HERE. I’d love to support you with a free session so that you discover the life-affirming changes possible in as little as 45 minutes. No strings attached, just calm, clarity, and confident action steps for moving forward recharged. 

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


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