What’s your theme for 2022?

I’m curious. How do you feel about new year’s resolutions?

To be honest, they’re really not my thing! 

Most resolutions have a crash and burn rate of over 90%.

Why put so much emphasis on something with such a poor track record?

In the event you were wondering about that failure rate…

Resolutions flop for 3 main reasons: 

  • Lack of daily habits to ensure you maintain momentum.

  • Poor timing to start a new habit/routine. (You can make positive changes at any point you choose. Give yourself some grace if January isn’t the best timing for you.)

  • Not enough motivational drivers (reward) derived from the actions/goals.

  • The resolutions aren’t heart-centered (meaning they hold little meaning to you on a deep, soul level).

I want to focus on that last point in today’s message. 

As a coach who works primarily with successful, career-focused women, I find that there is often a disconnect between what your soul craves and what the world at large has told you (if not mandated) will bring you joy and prosperity. 

Replace resolutions with a theme for 2022

As with many of the organizations that I work with, having a theme for the year tends to provide a touchstone for all activities and decisions to stay the course for meaningful results. Your theme can be a phrase or a single word. It should be an intention you set that provides the tone for your year. 

The theme becomes the dominant reminder for your focus when you step into challenging circumstances in the months ahead. And let’s face it, we can expect there to be challenges!

Growth, inclusion of all, trust in others, curiosity, and innovation are a few great examples of the themes I’ve heard most with my clients of late. Last year, my theme was purity (which initially didn’t make sense). I discovered as the months ensued that my greatest activities came from simplifying and getting back to what I call ‘pure truths’. What short phrase or word, if prioritized, would provide your most valuable outcomes this year?

Creating your theme

If having a theme (or word) for 2022 doesn’t come easily, I invite you to go inward.  

This is a simple practice to get in touch with your soul, your Divine Self, who already knows what’s best for you. 

  • Carve out 30 minutes to sit quietly without interruptions.

  • Close your eyes and get comfortable.

  • Try to feel the weight of your body on the floor or chair where you’re sitting, drawing your attention away from your mind and down into your body.

  • If your mind has difficulty relaxing, gently ask your mind to be in ‘hold’ mode for now; you’ll get back to it soon.

  • Take some deep, cleansing breaths, inhaling through the nose and out through the mouth.

  • Picture your heart in the middle of your chest and bring your attention there. Think of something that brings you great joy. Picture it vividly, in as much detail as possible. Notice how elevated your heart feels, along with all the energy in your body. Stay in this state for at least 2-3 minutes, allowing yourself to experience the memory as if real and occurring now.

  • With this energy activated, ask your heart where to put your focus in this coming year. Sit quietly, with the positive attitude of expecting your answer. This is the state of intuiting. Your answer may come verbally (as words or phrases), in pictures or colors, or kinesthetically (as feelings or sensations in the body). Take some time to decipher the specific meaning you were given or experienced.

  • Write down what you were shown. Does this word or phrase resonate for you? (It helps greatly if you try not to filter or doubt.)

Struggling to connect with your inner wisdom?

Many folks I work with struggled initially with this exercise too. Kindness and patience goes a long way in getting past the mind chatter and hearing your deep, beautiful soul’s guidance. This is where working with me is different from most other coaches. With deep experience in spiritual and energetic healing, I help my clients uncover whatever is keeping them from getting on the most cherished path of their life and ensuring their success. Don’t stay stuck! This is your year to thrive!

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


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