Let’s get YOU Emotionally Resilient!💥

Do you often feel like you’re barely hanging on as the world shifts rapidly all around you?

Does ‘overwhelmed’ best describe your state more often than you’d like? 

Are you finding that the old ways of addressing your stress - yoga, meditation, walks in nature, etc - just aren’t helping to provide the relief you once enjoyed and now seriously need? 

I get it! There hasn’t been a day these last many months that I didn’t feel like I had been thrown into a blender emotionally. The frenetic pace of the world’s energy has had my nervous system on high alert causing my self-preservation instincts to work overtime. Quite brilliantly, every time I feel this way, I know what I must do. Do you?

Acceptance of your emotions is the first step to empowerment. 

For the last twenty years, I’ve been coaching folks going through dramatically stressful life events (divorce, loss of their job or career, death of a family member or partner, among others). The goal, in each case, is to provide them with the tools and healing support to navigate the grief and chaos of each moment so that they regain their clarity, certainty, and confidence to take their next, best steps. Today, your challenges are no less stressful because, right now, you’re navigating a tidal wave of constant, ongoing change.

The most important thing you can do in order to take control will feel counterintuitive. I invite you to accept things just as they are. Pushing against them only creates more tension and stress. This doesn’t mean you surrender and become a victim. Instead, I encourage surrendering to whatever emotion wants to come through you in the moment. This simple act can be exceptionally healing. And then, your body may actually work things out on its own. 

But, when this doesn’t work…

It’s time to learn new skills. 

As the world makes dramatic shifts around you, you must take bigger strides to keep up and stay healthy mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You can’t expect our old ways to take you into the future. 

Learning Emotional Regulation techniques has been a game-changer for me and my clients. Here are some quick and easy examples that I recommend to start getting more stability in your life.

3 Simple Ways to Self-Regulate

Below are some simple, proven methods to help progressively bring down emotional charges safely and neutralize your triggers. 

1. Ground and Get Embodied.

This is particularly important to practice since you likely spend most of your time in your head where stress is created. Sit with your eyes closed and connect to the feeling of your feet on the ground and your bum in your chair. You may choose to squeeze your feet and butt muscles a few times which bring blood flow and more heaviness to these points of the body. Try to allow exaggeration of these sensations to more easily sense the feeling of heaviness. Breathe slowly and deeply, down into your belly. Repeat.Take a few minutes to notice your energy shifting to a more relaxed state.   

2. Label and Calibrate Your Emotions

Identifying how you feel and the intensity of your emotions is a valuable way to begin training your mind to recognize the truth of your experience. Take time throughout your day to identify and label what you feel. 

Once you have identified the feeling (grief, fear, anger, joy), then give it a score between 1-10, with 10 being the most intense possible. “I feel a level seven angry right now” for example. Communicating your emotions in this way will help you as well as your loved ones better navigate intense times.

3. Haven

A tool used to support people with PTSD is called Havening. In this pose, cross your hands across your chest with hands resting on opposite shoulders. Gently squeeze your shoulders and then, with the same light pressure, calmly, and at a very slow pace, slide your hands down to your elbows. Pause, then repeat. Continue to do this personal hug technique. Pause and notice how this automatically resets your nervous system.

This is only the beginning of your journey to your most brilliant self. 

When you manage your emotions, the tide turns in your favor.  

Check out some of my previous posts below for additional resources. 

Ways to bring calm. (https://blog.saraloos.com/post/wishing-you-calm-1). 

Secret Ninja Move for Burn-out (https://blog.saraloos.com/post/secret-ninja-move-for-burnout-2-1)

5 Ways to Overcome Burnout (https://blog.saraloos.com/post/burnout-use-it-to-propel-you-2-1)

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


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