The price of your ignorance.

Ever stopped to think what your ignorance about any given subject might be costing you? 

What happens when you take a position on a subject and deny other perspectives? 

I’ve come to realize that even the most educated among us can struggle with this. Truth is, it isn’t education or rank and file that makes us any more superior and proficient in this department. We can see this in many forms today.

Today, I was called to read an article about how the US government has formed a task force to look into UFOs. Apparently, our navy fighter pilots have had increasingly dangerous encounters with objects in their flight paths that are not recognizable. For years, they’ve been asking for support to better understand (and therefore be better equipped to navigate) these experiences. But the parties that rule remained in denial and therefore refused to believe that there was anything to explore on this front.

This got me thinking about the many aspects of life that many people chose to ignore. 

Denial is our greatest weapon against the understandable. We deny many things in order to keep peace in our minds. Yet, at what cost? 

As humans, we strive to make sense of the things we see and experience, and we often feel uneasy when faced with situations or ideas that we cannot immediately comprehend. However, when we refuse to accept things that we don't understand, we can inadvertently limit our growth and potential, both as individuals and as a society. In this blog post, we will explore some of the negative effects of not accepting things we don't understand.

1. Stagnation

One of the most significant consequences of refusing to accept things we don't understand is stagnation. When we are unwilling to learn new things or consider different perspectives, we become closed-minded and resistant to change. This mindset can prevent us from exploring new ideas, trying new experiences, and growing as individuals. Stagnation can also be harmful on a societal level, as it can impede progress and innovation.

2. Division

Another negative consequence of not accepting things we don't understand is division. When we refuse to accept people or ideas that are different from our own, we create a "us vs. them" mentality. This can lead to polarization, conflict, and even violence. Division can be particularly damaging in today's world, where social media and other platforms can amplify extremist views and create echo chambers that reinforce our biases.

3. Fear

When we don't understand something, it can often make us feel afraid. This fear can be irrational and unfounded, but it can still have a powerful effect on our lives. When we let fear guide our actions, we may avoid certain situations or people, which can limit our opportunities and experiences. Fear can also lead to prejudice and discrimination, as we may unfairly judge people or ideas that we don't understand.

4. Missed Opportunities

Finally, not accepting things we don't understand can result in missed opportunities. When we are unwilling to learn or explore new ideas, we may miss out on exciting opportunities that could enrich our lives. This can be true in both personal and professional contexts. For example, if we are resistant to new technologies or ways of working, we may miss out on career opportunities or fail to stay relevant in our field.

It’s a simple fact that when we don’t take time to try to better understand things currently beyond our comprehension, we contribute to our own demise and that of our society as well. The UFOs out there (Unique Forms of Omission - from our current understanding) are meant to be explored. They open up new worlds for us all.

Where in your life are you not open-minded enough? 

Profound new perspectives are being birthed constantly. What would happen if you decided today to set-up your own, personal committee in your head to finally better understand one or two things that you’ve  been denying as (possible) truths? 

Here to help you make sense of and expand your world. It’s what I do best for the hundreds of clients I serve worldwide. If you’d like to test drive this unknown experience, reach out HERE

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

How discerning are you? 


A personal confession.