A personal confession.

I’ve been feeling the need to share something deeply personal with each of you who follows these weekly posts. It seems increasingly important to bring this out in the open.

What matters to me most - 

What I care to do and be in this world more than anything is -

to be a conduit for truth, love, and consciousness everywhere

and to help ensure that this is the experience I provide for each of you.

For more than twenty years now, I’ve straddled a line of spiritual teaching, healing, and personalized coaching while, more recently, doing executive consulting and organizational work. Some advisors have told me to, ‘pick one lane’ and focus there alone.

I cannot.

I will not. 

The world I dream about recognizes each of us as humans - humans who have souls that are hungry for meaning and purpose. Sometimes our work fulfills this longing; oftentimes it does not. 

I can’t imagine working with anyone, especially corporate professionals, and not being willing to address the core of their being, their most sacred desires, birthed through their soul,

through every twist and turn of our work together. 

It matters.

More and more, my clients are opening up and  sharing with me that, while they can’t explain it, they just  feel “very drawn to do things differently,” to throw out the old and usher in a new way of working, of being. 

They are no longer interested in working in a dead end job just because of the money earned 

or maintaining draining relationships

or stifling their creativity

or hiding their gifts. 

I can relate. This is the inner guidance I have felt for so many years now and followed, making difficult choices along the way in order to find and embrace my chosen life path.

I think it’s what is being illuminated in us all. 

With this week being the important holidays for the Christian and Jewish faiths (with the celebration of Easter and Passover respectively), this time marks a moment when we’re asked to go inward and decide what is good, right, and holy for us. 

Have you ever thought to ask yourself this question? 

What IS good, right and holy for me? 

What would happen if you were to put a stake in the ground and, from this moment forward, to decide to live according to this declaration? 

What would change?

Who would you be?

What would you give up?

What would you gain? 

Might you experience a few miracles all your own?

Just something to chew on – something that could ultimately and forever change your life. 

There is nothing shallow about this commitment. I know. I honor it daily. 

I love my work and the impact that it has on the lives of many. 

I’m going to continue doing it my way - 

The way my heart and Spirit asks of me. 

I may lose a few followers along the way -

Yet I’m really not interested in ‘likes’ or  headcount.

It’s the impact -

the awakening 

of one person at a time

that really matters to my heart. 

If you’d like similar support, REACH OUT

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


The price of your ignorance.
