Stop Looking Back!

As a young girl, I was fascinated by Greek mythology.

One of my favorite stories was of Medusa and the power she had to turn men to stone when they were tempted to turn and glance back. That desire to just take one glimpse of what was behind, the spell of intrigue of what they might have missed, lead many to their demise.

An interesting fact: Medusa is known to have represented female wisdom.

I think she knew a thing or two about the dangers of looking back.

I think she knew that what lies behind us is a graveyard of stone.

Aliveness is on the road forward.

I’m simplifying the story here of course.

It helps to make my point.

Lately, I’ve been noticing the pattern we share as we’re tempted to focus on what has happened in our past versus all of the possibilities before us.

Why are we so seduced by the past?

Why do we give so much attention to what is over and done?

Why do we allow the past to hold such a strong, mystical power over us?

And at what cost?

What I’ve come to realize in my twenty-plus years of personal development, spiritual work and coaching is that the value of the past is best used when it informs our future, not when we allow it to define us.

It’s best to check the rearview mirror only when switching lanes and deciding it’s time to move in a new direction.

New directions happen in the great beyond.

It is only here that we have access to new possibilities.

Where do you want to go — beyond what you’ve already experienced?

The journey there begins with a new perspective — one that entails ending the habit of looking back.

More aliveness awaits beyond what you currently know.

No myth.

Isn’t it time you created a new story for you?

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

Loving or Enabling?


On exploring our expressions