Going in as the world opens up.

As we roll into the summer months with life opening to us again and lots of stress over just how this new way will unfold, I find myself recognizing once again the value of treasured silence, of going in to gain our footing. I often talk about the power of stillness - that place and space to renew, recharge, and reset when chaotic energy is taking over. Working with my clients I often hear that they simply can’t afford to take time out of their crazy schedules to create stillness, to do meditations, prayer or quiet time. From my perspective, we can’t afford not to.

Have you stopped to think about what your chaotic mind is costing you? 

Have you ever truly carved out even a small block of time to commit to a dedicated practice? 

Typically, when I ask this, the answer is always (honestly) no. 

If anxiety and stress is keeping you from being who you really want to be, could you use the renewing energy of summer to test-drive the results possible for you in stillness?

Here are a few pointers of encouragement. These are my Top 5 benefits for Creating Time in Stillness.

Gain more control of your circumstances.

As I’m writing this, a jack-hammer has been pounding away on the sidewalk in front of my office for the last several hours. The world with its disruptive cacophony is beyond our control, but how we respond to it isn’t. Having a trusted practice that allows us to shut out the outside world and to be able to hear ourselves think clearly deeply matters.  (And sometimes the noise we hear isn’t from the ‘outside’ at all. Noise is created from many sources, sometimes our own minds.)

Be more (inner) calm

Loads of scientific evidence points to the calming effects of mindfulness and breathing practices. When we do these techniques, we literally signal our nervous system to slow-everything-down. Our Adrenals stop firing and take a rest. Our blood pressure and heart rates decrease and level out as well. The body naturally rebalances. This inner calm not only brings health benefits but also a beautiful sense of ease. Who doesn’t want to feel more at ease in the gorgeous months of summer? 

Renew your confidence

It’s incredible how a dose of calm can be for renewing our mojo. Each and every one of us is wired with a sense of knowing, of sovereignty and authority. Spending time in stillness helps us remember the truth of who we are when the outside world often tells us otherwise. 

Get Clarity

In our calmer state, we have access to more clarity. The foggy-brain and hyper-attention modes surrender, allowing us to  make wiser choices. Without this clarity, we often find ourselves reacting to our circumstances rather than responding in the best, more appropriate and conscious manner. A simple exercise to test drive this theory is to start taking note of all the decisions you make while your mind is scattered versus those made in a state of stillness and clarity. It’s like comparing art from a kindergartener versus an established artist. We perform better in all ways when accessing our inner clarity. 

Access your deepest wisdom.

This is my favorite benefit of all. When we take time to be in stillness and quiet the mind, we can access the deepest wisdom we have, our conscious level of being. It is in this state that we gain insights that benefit all versus those ideas that can be selfish or exclusive. The geniuses throughout history have made a point to step away from the herd to explore, contemplate, and create in stillness. I think they may be on to something. 

If you’d like support in learning how to calm your mind and access your greatest potential, reach out. This is the work I love because it brings real, tangible (as well as priceless) results to the lives of so many. The work pays for itself in life-changing, rewarding ways. 

Here’s wishing you all an exquisite summer of ease in all ways!

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


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