Finding your exquisite fit.

There’s a reason custom tailored suits cost more. How something fits matters.

Fit can mean the difference between comfort (and success) or discomfort (and failure).

When something doesn’t fit well, it creates friction. 

This friction generally equates to pain.

This pain is then inadvertently carried into other aspects of your life, causing a deluge of agitation. Nothing good ever comes from too much agitation.

Blisters come from agitation. 

Marriages end because of agitation.

Careers dissolve because of agitation. 

You get the picture. 

Start by finding the right fit for you in all areas of your life. 

What are your behavioral drivers?

What are your values?

What are your innate tendencies?

What are your blindspots?

What are your motivations?

What are your hidden, unique super powers?

Where do you want to be and contribute?

And what is pinching tightly and holding you back? 

One simple quiz can reveal a lot about where things might be conforming to a space unsuited for you in your life. 

One size does not fit all. 

Stop trying to fit into a space, a job, a relationship, a community that isn’t you.

Happiness happens easily when you just know your own, unique specs.

Miracles are possible in this space - pure, unimaginable, beautiful stuff happens when you surrender to what’s most authentically fitting for you.

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

Is your ‘familiar’ keeping you small?


9 Ways to Create Beautiful Breakthroughs.