9 Ways to Create Beautiful Breakthroughs.

In a world that can sometimes feel hopeless, never give up hope.

You are a powerful being who can take charge and change your circumstances more easily than you likely realize.

When working with my clients, we spend much time getting them to have a different perspective on what they’re feeling and experiencing. When you’re able to play with new rules, far more options are available. Never settle for less than your heart desires. No one wins this way.

I pride myself on assisting remarkable breakthroughs with each and every person I serve. Big shifts and beautiful manifestations of a better life are possible for you too if you’ll play with these approaches. Let’s dive in.

Rule #1 - Decide to change your story.

Those who’ve worked with me know that I don’t let you talk about your current circumstances for too long. I call this “marinating in your story”. No one benefits from being in this soup. Instead, I encourage you to decide on a new and more positive point of focus, a place where the story can shift and new possibilities emerge. Sometimes your story is the very catalyst needed to initiate meaningful change. As the Reverend Michael Beckwith says, “Pain pushes until vision pulls.” Which brings us to…

Rule #2 - Envision higher.

Where you focus, your energy flows - as does your experience. There is unexplainable power when you are able to envision a different, better outcome. It can feel magical when you believe something better is possible even when you can’t possibly know how it will come about. Ensure your thoughts are most often about what you desire versus what you do not. When you catch yourself sliding backward into a pity party filled with complaints, stop and decide to change gears. Get to higher ground quickly and see if you don’t experience a beautiful shift in what life delivers.

Rule #3 - Follow your heart.

My favorite work is helping my clients connect to their inner wisdom, their soul’s guidance, found in the heart. The voice heard here is much wiser than your mind. By seeking and listening to the guidance of your heart, you create a life of abundance, ease, and grace. Creating a beautiful, meaningful life can be a lovely mystery when you surrender to what your heart leads you to do or be. These new journeys, with twists and turns you may not understand, help you have the experience you were born to have. Following your heart’s guidance will make new events and insights flow with grace and ease. It takes practice, but following your heart allows you to live in the highest, best ways for your unique soul.

Rule #4 - Change your beliefs.

You don’t attract what you want.

Read that again! You attract what you believe to be true.

That said, it’s important to unpack what you believe to be possible for you. You can’t speak an affirmation that your mind knows is false (impossible) and have your experience shift because you spoke the words. So take smaller steps as you begin shifting to a higher, more brilliant reality. What little shifts can you believe are possible right now? Believe that - and keep excelling from there.

Rule #5 - Make it real.

Neville Goddard, the father of manifestation, was the pioneer on the power of imagination and engaging all our senses to create a better life. This is where vision boards fall short. He taught that manifesting was significantly faster when you can sit with eyes closed and imagine deeply the experience you most want to have. Take time to engage all your senses. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you feel? What do you taste? By engaging all the senses, your body doesn’t know whether or not the experience is real or imagined. It’s a bit like fooling your brain. Professional athletes use this trick to perfect their performance with stellar results. This one method of manifestation can dramatically shift your reality faster than all others (and it’s really fun!)

Rule #6 - Decide.

When you make a decision, you put a stake in the ground and decree it so. Many people fail to accomplish what they desire because they hesitate to emphatically decide what they want. When you give yourself options, fallbacks, you lessen the energy of

your desired outcome and therefore weaken the possibly of success. Decide and make it so.  

Rule #7 - Ignore outside influences

Lots of people will likely tell you that your dream isn’t possible. Expect them to arrive with loads of stories and examples of why failure is likely. But do not believe them. Sadly, few people have been trained to hold the space for your success, especially if your success means ascending beyond their level. This includes family members, work colleagues, and friends. It’s human nature. Search for people who WILL support your vision of success and happiness and spend as much time in their space as possible. It takes evolved beings to hang with you when you’re succeeding and they are not. Find the evolved ones. You might find that you get to be a positive example for their success as well.

Rule #8 - Give up the struggle.

Now more than ever, your transformational work doesn’t require lots of pain and struggle. Results are happening for my clients at record speed. When you catch yourself thinking that changing your life will be a struggle, decide to prove that thought wrong.

Rule #9 - You’re worthy. Already.

This is a hard one for most to swallow, especially when we’ve been raised in a culture that took pride in having less and frowned upon being wealthy, successful, joyful. Take time to dispel these transgenerational beliefs that hold you to lesser-than possibilities. No one triumphs when we hold ourselves back. Win the fight for an AWEsome life. Start now. 

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


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