Don’t Try Harder!
What you’ve been doing to get results not working?
Want a powerful tip to improve your outcomes?
Here’s some poignant advice from James Clear, author of Atomic Habits:
"You're more likely to unlock a big leap in performance by trying differently than by trying harder. You might be able to work 10% harder, but a different approach might work 10x better. Remain focused on the core problem, but explore a new line of attack. Persistence is not just about effort, but also strategy. Don't merely try harder, try differently."
In my own life, I’ve been focused on doing things differently - in exploring what are my old patterns that keep me stuck in lukewarm results versus ones that light me up. Pushing harder in the same direction isn’t the solution.
I wonder if you might need a similar deep dive?
WHY do you not achieve what you set-out to have?
More from James on this subject.
“Sometimes the first move is the most important. The first set in the gym. Now you're working out. The first sentence. Now you're writing. The first call. Now you're in the game.
Other times, the last move is the most important. The last brick. Now the building is built. The last line of code. Now the app works. The last round of revisions. Now you can ship it. “
What step do you need to focus on right now? First or last?
What could you do differently to ensure your success?
I recently went back to a coach I’ve worked with across the years to fine-tune some things that I was struggling with. Pushing harder against the same wall was exhausting and wasn’t delivering results any faster. Her perspective and advice helped me unlock important insights I was too close to to see.
Sometimes hiring a coach is the most important “doing it differently” you can employ.
For over 20 years, I’ve been helping folks just like you to have extraordinary results they never thought were possible - in their careers and in their personal lives.
You can have the same success.
Reach out HERE if you’d like to explore what’s possible for you beyond your current patterns of pushing.