4 key traits of an ego-free life

This past weekend I had a remarkable opportunity that I believe will prove to be life-changing.

I decided to do an Ayahuasca journey within a trusted group. No doubt, this experience provided many brilliant insights for my work and life - much of which I hope to share with you in the coming weeks and months. 

One key highlight of this event was that I got to be in an ego-free state for many hours. It was liberating and something I wish for each of you to experience on your own.

Even without a spiritual journey, there are valuable insights that can be life-changing for you as well. I hope these morsels find their way into your consciousness and become a way of noticing and adjusting your responses for a better life.  

Here are 4 things to practice eliminating in order to live an ego-free life.

1.    Comparisons

Without ego, we recognize we are meant to be different. Each of us is one-of-a-kind.

Our journey is unlike any others’. Are you able to embrace your own, unique nature? 

What would it change in your life if you did? 

2.    Competition

When ego is eliminated, we know that each of us is needed to create the positive outcomes we all strive to achieve. We are not alone or isolated (unless we choose to be.) What would change for you, were you to stop being in competition with others and finally decide to embrace the gifts of those around you as necessary parts of the equation necessary for your own success? 

3.    Pushing

So much of what will be best happens more naturally, especially when we’re not going against the grain and forcing things to happen. Our culture, our world teaches us to make great strides by pushing, efforting. In truth, ego makes us force ourselves and our own agenda. When we let go of pushing and surrender, we begin to see how nature actually does much of the work for us and we can relax deeply (finally) into flow. 

It’s a magical experience and creates much trust in life again. 

4.    Perfectionism

Without ego, we realize that we can’t make anything perfect. It’s literally impossible. 

So much of ego exists in the drive to constantly make things better, as if we have the capacity to do so. We do not; not really. When we fully recognize this, we are able to see the amount of time, energy, and effort we’ve wasted on constantly trying to improve everything - our own lives, the lives of others, nature…

We are not here to make anything perfect. It already is. 

There are many more points that could be added here.. For now, this is enough. I recognize that no one benefits when their cup is overflowing. I encourage you to take one point at a time and play with it, noticing how you can improve your life and work circumstances by eradicating each.

Which of these do you struggle with the most?  Comparisons? Competition? Pushing? Or Perfectionism? 

Take some time to ask yourself honestly and do the work to make the changes needed to be in a more ego-free state and witness how beautiful, painless, and possible all your desires become. 

Find this challenging? You’re not alone. That’s why so many people choose to hire a coach to support them. This deep, inner personal work is impossible without the support of a trained and proven professional. I’d like to be that support for you. If you’re eager to have a taste of an ego-free life, reach out HERE. For more than 20 years, I’ve been offering tools and the sacred space for exponential growth for thousands of people around the globe. Does your heart tell you it’s your turn? If so, don’t hesitate to connect. 

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


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