Your exhaustion could be the catalyst to the success you most desire.

I’m Sara Loos. I help professional women like you use burnout to create greater success, on your terms.

The infamous glass ceiling and the endless ‘to do’ list isn’t what’s keeping you from having the prosperity and joy you desire. You are.

Together, we’ll shatter anything keeping you from showing up as your most brilliant, capable and amazingly self.

  • Learn how to recognize what is actually causing your burnout and make new, empowering choices.

  • Stay in your career and play bigger (on your terms)

  • Eliminate Imposter Syndrome once and for all so you maintain your confidence.

  • Create boundaries for radical self-love and personal growth

  • Master your fears so you can take your seat at the table and lead your teams to new heights.

  • Work more productively with less effort.

  • Turn conflict into magial collaboration, increasing profits and transformative outcomes in all areas of your life.

  • Bring your magnetic authenticity to your work (b/c being anything less than authentic in all areas of your life is adding to your exhaustion).

  • Leave your postive imprint on this world. Your vision for change matters. Together, we’ll create the map that allows you to live and leave a dynamic legacy.

This work is right for you if:

  • Your hard work isn’t getting you the results you want and you recognize that it’s time for a new way.

  • The demands of your job have kept you depleted and now you are willing to commit to change.

  • You are constantly battling overwhelm, stress, anxiety and recognize you need support to master these emotions.

  • You deeply desire adding value/having a meaningful impact, but don’t know where to start.

  • You’ve tried the traditional approaches but aren;t seeing lasting change or real results in your progress and growth.

Unlike most Executives Coaches, Life Coaches, and therapists, I

  • Use immersive techniques that get you the transformative results you want fast. Guaranteed.

  • Eliminate the need for more training/learning. You already have all you need to excel within you. I’ll give you the keys to unlock your superpowers.

  • Incorporate my deep experience in trauma healing so that wounds and stories causing repetitive set-backs and lack of self-esteem are eliminated once and for all.

  • Teach you how to master your emotions so you can continuously self-regulate and stay empowered.

  • Help you master conflict and create priceless collaboration

  • Accelerate your personal evolution using proven, cutting-edge energetic modalities

  • Help you harness your essential, feminine qualities to create harmony within your teams and other areas of life.

  • Connect you with a community of like-minded, supportive women who want to excel and help you do the same

  • Understand the issues firsthand, having succeeded in Corporate America in New York City and Los Angeles and having coached others just like you for 20+ years.

So, you’re tired of living in a man’s world and on their terms, right?! Yes! it’s exhausting!

I’m here to help you discover the genius you hold deep within because, when you do, all the other pieces just align naturally, gracefully.

I did it. You can do it. We can do this together.

Let’s get started!



One-on-One Coaching

Independent study

Group Support


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