You Decide.
When life gets challenging, what do you do?
For many the answer, if being honest, is spiral.
Spiral into fear and doubt.
Spiral into anxiety and worry.
Spiral into a dark abyss.
What if you could avoid the spiral every single time?
What could this change for you?
What would you gain from taking the high(er) road?
I learned many years ago about the power of choice.
You can choose to change your circumstances simply by where you place your focus.
What gets in the way the most?
The evidence appearing that would make you believe a negative story. (It’s not always so easy to see the more positive story that hides in the background.)
Here’s how to beat the less-than-desirable indicators at their game:
* Focus on the tiny shred of hope that would flip your circumstances on ear
* Focus on all the things that are actually going right/well
* Focus on all the support you have (even if from just one person)
* Focus on the times you enjoyed a ‘miracle’ you weren’t expecting
* Focus on the fact that, if one miracle can happen, so can a few more.
* Smile - because this simple act of hopefulness tells your body to feel hopeful.
When you feel hopeful, your world truly will begin to provide all the evidence to prove this new story to be true.
* Now start focusing on this new evidence.
DECIDE to NOT go into the spiral and your outcomes WILL change.
It’s that simple.
Spiral or lift-off? You decide.
One of the easiest decisions to make right now? Grabbing a complimentary session with me to see how to make better choices that change your life for good. Go HERE to reserve your spot on my calendar.
Here’s to creating your new and vibrant reality!