The Power of Neutral
Do you consider being neutral powerful or weak? Chances are, you answered the latter.
Most people that I meet would vote the same. We’ve been trained, it seems, to believe that having a neutral stance means we’re without authority or the ability to decide. This view then naturally translates to appearing powerless. But what if I told you there is a much better way of seeing neutral, a position that would change your life for the better? Would that be worth entertaining?
I take the stance that being neutral is the most powerful state we can take in life. I prove this day in and day out through practices with the thousands of clients that I coach and consult with across the globe.
The state of neutral is actually exactly the gear from which to drive all the most powerful and positive results across all areas of your life.
This neutral state increases your ability to see things with little (or no) judgement. Without judgement, new worlds open. Here are a few of the benefits.
The state of neutral provides for much more self-acceptance. Being without harsh criticism of self, you more naturally focus on your strengths, allowing them to shine through consistently and/or taking new, transformative actions when old, debilitating patterns appear.
The state of neutral also allows for more objectivity when considering results. The best leaders are able to see their flaws and identify ways to course correct quickly instead of getting mired in criticism and self-doubt.
The state of neutral allows you to experience emotions and learn from them, a crucial practice for your evolution. Before doing so, you must first learn to use the state of neutral to witness and embrace your emotions for the sage purpose they have versus always suppressing them.
The state of neutral allows you to step back and observe, from a higher perspective, what is causing interruptions in productivity throughout your work and life so that you can then rapidly untangle the causal knots which merit your focus.
The state of neutral encourages you to eliminate harmful labels such as ‘struggles,' ‘hardships’, and “challenges” and, instead, see them as opportunities for growth.
How to get into the state of neutral is the real work. And I speak from deep experience when I say, the rewards are priceless.
To start, employ as much curiosity as possible and a beginner’s mind. In other words, be willing to wipe the slate clean of what you know (or believe) to be true and begin again.
Things aren’t always what they appear to be. Chances are, they are only what you are telling yourself is true.
The state of neutral gives you the power to change your mind and ultimately your experience. What could be more powerful?
To experience the positive impact of a neutral state in your own work and life, reach out HERE. Each and every person reading my blogs and newsletters is encouraged to test-drive a complimentary session with me so that you can change your mind about what’s possible (and your results). It’s time for high gear; book your free session now!