Run towards your desires!
How good are you at getting what you want?
If your answer is that you are inconsistent or ‘not so much’, I encourage you to read on.
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, provided what I believe is an important insight into creating the career (and life) of most desire. "It generally feels (and is) better to run toward something than to run away from something. Focus on what is pulling you in, not what you're trying to avoid."
Yet many of your decisions have likely been made out of fear, guilt, or obligation. Am I right?
There is nothing appealing about these emotions. Nor is this the energy for positive change.
Today, I thought I’d give you 3 practices to play with in order to literally ‘run towards” what you most desire.
1. The Yummy Test
For every choice you must make, check in to see how you FEEL about each and the consequences of that choice. Does the outcome feel ‘yummy’ (vs “yucky”)? If not, pass. Make a different choice that will light you up. Not possible you say? There are always other possibilities; they may just require a bit more time and research to discover.
2. Driver’s Seat Mindset
Gay Hendricks, author of The Big Leap, presented the idea of taking 100% responsibility for your outcomes, even when other people are involved. In other words, own your choices and own your outcomes. Decide today that you are the boss, the driver, of your life. Eliminate any notion that someone else controls you or decides your fate. When you DECIDE that you and you alone can make things happen for yourself, you will magically find the resources and ability to do so.
3. No more “don’ts”.
Often, I hear my clients talk about what they don’t want. (This is Clear’s “Run from” reference). These lists come easily. What’s often not so easy is to identify your big desires and to speak only of these. A key fact that helps accelerate this practice: Your brain doesn’t hear the ‘don’ts”. Instead, the “don’t’ becomes a ‘do’ and your brain responds with your (edited) command. Change your language and you’ll change your results.
I’m keeping this all quite simple intentionally.
Start taking baby steps in the right direction and, the next thing you know, you’ll be far down the path of your dreams and having loads more of your desires than you ever thought possible.
If you’d like support with this or any number of other challenges you may experience that seem to keep you from stepping fully into your power (and creating what your heart desires), let’s talk. Reach out HERE and schedule a 45 minute chat, on me, to help you understand what’s possible. There’s no obligation to buy a single thing - that’s my promise, along with the promise to ensure you leave feeling more yummy, inspired and empowered than you did an hour prior.
Now RUN (don’t walk) towards everything luscious calling your heart!