Resolve to live joyFULLY!
As we roll into a new year, I want to share an invaluable practice with you that I promise will help you experience more joy in 2023.
Joy doesn’t have to escape you.
Joy doesn’t have to be challenging to create.
Joy is all about finding what lights you up and following that path minute by minute.
Imagine how your daily experiences would change were you to focus in each minute on what would bring you joy and follow in hot pursuit?
Seriously, what would change?
Make a list of what could happen if you dedicated your life to following your bliss.
Take a pause after creating your answers and close your eyes.
Allow yourself to deeply feel the feelings that owning your joy could bring.
Next, identify some things, big and small, that bring you bliss. Maybe it’s taking a little time to meditate each morning.
Or going for a walk daily at sunset.
Or silencing your phone and notifications for at least an hour to enjoy quiet.
Or writing a love letter to at least one person in your life for whom you’re grateful.
Now, each day, do at least one thing from your list that ensures you are filling-up on joy.
Starting small helps build your joy focused muscle.
In one month, do at least two things daily that bring you joy.
By March, increase to three things daily that bring you joy.
Or perhaps you’ll be ready to jump to four or five or more.
Continue compounding your joy experiences without hesitation, guilt or apology.
Ideally, you’ll be able to recognize in each moment what will bring you joy and choose wiser. That’s the best goal to aim for.
You’ll be amazed at how this simple little practice will drastically (and beautifully) transform your life…for good.
Here’s to your most joyFULL year ahead!
May you be blessed and lit from the inside out.
All love, always!
PS: If you want to make 2023 your most exquisite year yet, reach out HERE.
You deserve to enjoy life fully and I’ll help you do just that.
With over 20 years experience of supporting others just like you, I’m confident I can help you in making life beautiful and rewarding. Resolve to live better now.