Resolutions that Matter.

Before you head out to ring in the new year, I’m encouraging you to carve out a small window of time to reflect and connect with your heart in order to make 2022 truly exceptional and meaningful for you. 

As a coach, my clients come to recognize that setting goals once a year sets them up for failure. Instead, they make small shifts weekly (sometimes daily) to feel and respond better in all areas of their lives. They learn to connect to their Spirit self and, in return, stay on track with what matters most to them. Here’s a practice I encourage you to sue to begin to have more awareness of the same in your own life.

Resolutions are typically made and broken. Do better this year!

Lofty goals for big life changes are too scary and difficult to make real. 

You likely aim too high and give up too quickly when you realize it will be harder than you thought to change your habits. Instead, I invite you to take a different approach - an approach that will put the attention on what matters most to you on a deep level. I learned part of this from the amazing Marie Forleo years ago and saw that she’s encouraging us to ask the same questions for 2022. 

Reflection is key to evolution!

Find a place where you can sit, with eyes closed, and quiet your mind. Be as truthful with yourself as possible as you reflect on the following questions. Write your answers on a notepad. Include as much detail as possible.

1. What are you proud of that you accomplished in 2021? 

 It’s always important to take note of your progress. Your subconscious mind can be a bit like a small child and will sabotage your results if you don’t give accolades for even the little things you’ve achieved. It’s time to start bragging to yourself. It’s been a hard year. Be kind to yourself and recognize how much you’ve endured, survived, overcome, and grown.

2. What was your biggest lesson in 2021? Why was it so important for you? 

Reflecting on insights gives us a path to higher learning. There isn’t anything you go through that doesn’t offer a gift; you just sometimes need to look harder to find it. Often, this insight will also show you a path to new possibilities that previously might have seemed impossible. 

3. What are you ready to let go of? 

This is a BIG one! You tend to repeat patterns that no longer serve your higher good simply out of laziness or routine. If you put your attention on cleaning house in the new year (figuratively and literally), you’ll be amazed at how much happier you will feel. Your body is amazing at communicating when you’re willing to listen. What no longer feels ‘yummy’ (as I like to say)? Wherever there is restriction, this is a signal for what needs to change. 

4. Create meaningful, small changes. 

Once you’ve answered the questions above, spend a bit more time with eyes closed and place your hands over your heart. Ask what one or two things could you put into place as part of your new routine to ensure life is dishing up joy? Keep it simple so that you can ensure you can be successful for many months to come. Try to be specific with what you intend to do so that you have clarity on how you’ll go about the change. 

  • Want to meditate more? Carve out 10 at lunch, three times weekly.

  • Eager to be more creative? Set aside one hour, one day a week for a class or activity that engages your right-brain.

  • Want to eat healthier? Decide to eliminate packaged foods or cook from scratch two days a week.

  • Interested in having more financial security? Commit to setting aside $25 a week in a savings account. Small savings truly compound over time.

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

Birthdays and unexpected gifts.


One Holy Wish. ✨