How to Kick Imposter Syndrome to the Curb

My work often involves helping women face their fears so that they can get to the next level of their careers. In each and every case, I have found that Imposter Syndrome tends to be the culprit behind the curtain.

Imposter’s Syndrome is that nasty voice inside our heads that says…

“Hold on Missy! You don’t belong here” (in the successful, inner circle, on stage, etc.)

“I don’t know what you did to get here, but, mark my words, any minute now, the integrity police are going to show up and you’ll be busted.”

Does Imposter Syndrome ever haunt you?

And at what cost?

What more would you step out and try if you didn’t have this voice telling you that you aren’t actually capable of more - that you’ve already realized all you’ll ever accomplish (and by no authentic means let me remind you)?

My guess is a lot.

The folks in my community are pretty frickin’ awesome!

So I ask you, Are you tired of living from your half-life?

I thought so.

Let’s nip this in the bud!

Here are some simple practices that can help you kick Imposter Syndrome to the curb.

1. Reflect on past accomplishments

Take time to sit and think about all the things that you’ve accomplished over your lifetime that you’re proud of. Make a list of as many of these triumphs as possible.

Spend time reading each item on the list slowly. Close your eyes and allow yourself to use your memory to feel how you felt when you were in the state of just having done this amazing feat. Notice that the energy you recall helps reset your confidence meter and provides more ammunition to win the fight with that opposing voice in your head.

2. Ask for clarity of your strengths

Pick 10 people who you know well and who would be willing to help with this assignment. Ask them to write a letter to you that describes your greatest qualities. Tell them it’s an assignment from your coach and, as awkward as it might feel to ask, you know that their insights will prove very helpful to you. Once the letters arrive, take time to read them out loud to yourself and drink in the truths gifted. Save these to read any time you have a wavering of confidence.

3. Engage with the Voice

Pretend that the voice is actually just a crazy bully with no evidence of authority.

Put two chairs across from one another and, moving from one chair to the other, act out the voice (speaking what Imposter Syndrome says) and then moving to the opposite chair to reply. Continue this approach till you’ve exhausted the dialogue.

You should feel great relief.

4. Get personal support

Schedule a session with me for a magical NLP technique that will completely annihilate the Imposter Syndrome for good. Seriously. If the techniques above don’t do the job, I can. And while I’d love to tell you exactly how to do this on your own, it’s not possible without an actual ‘in-person’ (think via Zoom) facilitation. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish that you thought wasn’t possible with science-based energy techniques. These are my specialties.

Isn’t it time you were able to step fully into all the power and courage possible for you?

Can’t wait to see what happens when you do!

The world needs your magic.

Stop playing small!

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

On Being Afraid to be Wrong


Loving or Enabling?