How do you respond under pressure?
When the heat is turned up, do you find yourself resisting change?
Here’s a little self test. See if any of these responses sounds familiar. When resistent, you likely take one of these stances:
You dig in your heels and double down on hunkering down. Afterall, standing your ground and refusing to budge makes you feel and appear more confident.
Repeating the same approaches you’ve taken before. Why not? It worked then, it will certainly work now.
Taking on the entire enchilada of responsibility. The more you own, the more control you have over the outcome, right? (Which creates a false sense of certainty.)
Or do you head away from the fire, believing that dodging the pressure is the wisest approach?
The turmoil we’re all juggling in the world today will push even the toughest among us to crack. True. But what I know about cracks (per the lovely song by Leonard Cohen)is this: “There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
Pressure can be the catalyst for remarkable and surprising beauty.
Glassblowers know that where there is heat, there are also possibilities for being even more creative. In fact, their brilliant works of art depend upon it.
Diamonds come to life in a similar fashion, with constant pressure from earth’s depths.
One of my favorite flowers, the Matilda Poppy, is considered a ‘fire follower’ because they require smoke to germinate. Were it not for fire, they could become extinct.
Embracing the pressure that comes with forced change opens the door for innovation and evolution.
Where in your life is change pushing you past your comfort zone? Can you adopt an enthusiastic attitude about where this push might be taking you instead of resisting it?
Could you find new ways of being even more productive and innovative because of the pressure these new changes are placing upon you?
And in some instances, where could you delegate some responsibility to others so that they too can learn under pressure? (Which is actually one of the best ways to learn and grow.)
Final question - Under pressure, will you break or will you bloom?
Your insights just might be what you’ve been needing in order to encourage a new chapter of growth. This is the work that I specialize in – assisting my clients to create magical new possibilities even when the circumstances appear bleak. If you’d like to experience this for yourself, reach out HERE.
Whatever your answer, my wish for you is that you rise from the ashes of whatever life throws your way!