Habits + Happiness = Hallelujah

What did you do when you first woke up?

And in the next two hours after that? 

Would you say that this was time well spent? 

I’ve spoken often about the importance of creating great habits - habits that you force yourself to adhere to daily until which time they become your normal, on-auto-pilot routine. 

There’s a reason for my obsession with habits.
They literally create or destroy your dreams. 

James Clear, the author of the fabulous book Atomic Habits, articulated this well: 

 "If two people have the same goal, you know nothing about the similarity of their results. But if two people have the same daily habits, you can infer quite a bit about the similarity of their results. Your results are largely a byproduct of your habits."

So why is it so challenging to get into a routine that provides the awesome results you crave?

And why do some people have significantly better results applying (basically) the same habits? 

In a word? Focus.

Focus on the wrong thing and you won’t get the results you crave.

Stick with me here because I’m going to take this discussion into some new territory you might not be expecting. 

What you focus on you create. 

So, if you carve out time to do a workout every day, fantastic. 

But is your focus during your workout on the difficulty of your reps or the pain you feel in your back? Do you resent the time spent doing your workout? 

Instead, can you shift your attention to the amazing strength you’re building while doing those squats, the lean muscle that you’ll soon see in the mirror from this practice? 

When doing daily outreach (if that’s part of your job like most of us entrepreneurs), do you dread this mandatory activity or can you shift your mindset to focus on the people you’ll hopefully get to serve one day when you finally connect? 

What about your meditation practice? Do you set a timer for 15-30 minutes to sit in stillness and drop into your heart with a frown on your face? 

The most powerful thing you can do to turbo-charge your habits is to enjoy them. Start by intentionally putting a smile  to shift your focus to the right place. 

Now - add this to the mix: In each scenario, say, “I get to…” 

“I get to workout my body today,” for example “because I’m healthy enough to do so.” 

“I get to reach out to prospects today, some of which will one day be some of my favorite clients.” 

When you are able to phrase the task as a blessing leading to a positive outcome, the results you want show up much faster (and the process isn’t so burdensome!) 

So today’s challenge is this: Notice where you have a bit of a bad attitude about something you’re doing because you know you need to do it. Next, decide to focus on the brilliant, life-changing results this habit will bring you. Maintain this positive focus for at least one month. Then write and share your results with me.

I’ve got money on some gushing testimonials coming my way. (Said with an obvious grin.) 

You truly can (easily) turbo-charge our results with this simple equation: habits + happiness = hallelujah!! 

Still HERE

Struggling to make real, important progress in your career or life? 

I’ve got you covered! Grab a one-time only complimentary session with me where we’ll discuss your situation and you’ll leave with 2-3 tools guaranteed to give you some breakthroughs. (What are you waiting for? This is the part where you take action!)

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


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