Getting The Answers You Want.

I’m am Inquirer.

I ask a lot of questions.

I ask questions of family members, friends, clients, and especially myself.

I’m not afraid to ask questions.

I don’t have the belief that asking questions makes me weak.

I believe quite the opposite.

A good question helps us gain clarity.

A good question can illuminate misunderstandings and deceptions.

A good question can deepen our intelligence.

Most importantly, a good question can help us uncover truths.

We should always be pursuing our truths.

All the answers we seek are hidden in these truths.

How often do you sit and question your motives? Your intentions? Your dreams? Your friendships? Your beliefs? Your greatest skillsets? Your blocks? Your story?

(Note: The questioning doesn’t have to be intense or scary. I prefer playful inquiry. Playfulness allows our psyche to relax and more easily participate in the exercise. It’s the way I ‘work the work’.)

Importantly, the process to truth also requires a stillness of the mind.

We must be willing to shut-out the outside world that so gravely influences us 24/7 and instead ask our inner Spirit for our truths.

Normalizing the inquiry process within is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Our very evolution depends on our ability to ask important questions.

Here’s to your growth and truth! May you never stop questioning!

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.

On Repeating Patterns.


On Being Afraid to be Wrong