Conscious Preparation for the New Year
Before the celebrations of the New Year (and some particularly good riddance to 2020), I encourage you to take some quiet time to reflect on the year that was. We’ve survived a long, arduous 12 months and the impact on emotional bodies has been traumatic.
Use the next few days to allow yourself some extra tenderness and compassion.
Many of us are noticing that we are being called to show up differently now. There is a sense of massive change all around us and the desire (and need) to do things differently.
Don’t rush into huge changes right away. “Rome wasn’t build in a day” as they say and neither will be the transformations that are taking place on our planet. This is a time to pause and reflect much more often, to drink in the knowing that is always available to us.
Recognize and honor the people who inspire you, believe in you, and support you to be our best. Notice the way they speak about you, especially when you have become less than kind to yourself. Our sacred tribe finds our greatness even when we cannot. Lean into these people more and in the year ahead. We all need to be witnessed and encouraged to remain in our truths.
For now, begin slowly to take small actions that can prepare you for awakening that lies ahead.
Take inventory of what you are grateful for, what helps you feel valuable, happy, and purposeful. Spend more time noticing these things, people and places than giving your attention to the negative.
If you are struggling with the awareness of old limiting beliefs and destructive patterns repeating now, just know this is normal. The old ways are being brought into the light before they will be eliminated. Try to detach from them and visualize shedding them with ease, like an article of clothing dropped to the ground. Be mindful that there is no need to engage them any longer.
Pay attention to situations that cause you to react from your survival mechanisms. These hold much wisdom about your growth to come. Pause, take a few deep breaths to regulate your nervous system, and then ask your heart for a truthful and conscious responses instead.
The truth is that we are coming into a new way of being. Much of what is happening on our planet is not yet even visible. For many of us, we are waking up to the need to more fully, faithfully follow the guidance of our hearts. This awareness can be frightening, confusing, and exhilarating all at the same time. It’s like knowing something is hiding just around the corner and you know it will have a big impact on our lives — but we second guess if we’re ready for big change. It can often seem easier to stay comfortable in our discomfort than to change.
To that end, I’m making one firm resolution to myself in these coming days and months ahead.
I choose to surrender.
I choose to surrender the need to know what will happen.
I choose to surrender my need to try to control the outcomes.
I choose to surrender my need to know ‘how’ things I desire will come to be.
Instead, I am choosing to surrender into the Divine wisdom of my heart that is telling me this is both big and beautiful for all.
To trust this sacred guidance.
What could change in your life if you were to surrender control more often?
Where could you make space for more of the not-yet-known gifts of the Divine to appear?
What areas of your life do you most want this newness, aliveness and growth?
Take time to reflect.
Are you ready to take the leap of faith your heart is calling you to take? I’m here to help catch you when you do. We’re in this big shift together.
On January 2nd at 9AM PST, I will be offering a free workshop to support you on this subject. Come join me as I teach a valuable tool for accessing your heart’s intelligence to keep you focused on what is valuable and meaningful in 2021. Use this link to register: