8 Steps to More Powerful Manifesting

Who’s tired of hearing all the stories about the power of manifestation and vision boarding because let’s face it — you’ve tried it all and nothing new came your way? 

I want to take this head-on today because I think it’s really important to break down. There are now so many false, pop-cultural references on manifesting that I believe it to be losing its sacredness. Learning the skills required for manifesting changes your lives and sets new standards for what’s available for us all because these skills can be transformative in so many ways. 

Just this week, on a coaching call with a new client, I listened as she shared her tragic story of divorce and the loss of everything. She’s exhausted and hopeless. She’d spent months trying to pick up the pieces of her life in order to carefully reconstruct them in a way that could bring her a shred of hope. 

When you’ve been through something as tragic as an ugly divorce, with no funding to support you and your kids in the end, there is little that can be said of manifesting that someone in this much pain can hear. So I sat and allowed her to share — at least to the point when it became clear that she was going down the proverbial rabbit hole.

Her epiphany came when I told her that, all the things she was doing to try to fix her problems were external when, in fact, the real changes would only come when she realized this was an inside job. That’s how transformational work happens — from the inside out. She paused, a bit in amazement, and said, as if for the first time, “Wow, I’m finally getting it!” 

I’m eager to see where this journey takes her. I have high hopes.

Many of my clients start in similar places and find that, in a few months, the smallest of shifts are creating really remarkable breakthroughs.

It’s possible for you too.  Let’s dive in. 

Rule #1 - Decide to change your story. 

Those of you who’ve worked with me know that I don’t let you talk about your circumstances for too long. I call it “marinating in your story” and no one benefits from being in this soup. Instead, I like to take clients to a better place of focus, a place where the story can shift and new possibilities emerge.  And what I’ve come to realize, as stated so eloquently in this quote from Reverend Michael Beckwith, “Pain pushes until vision pulls.”  Which brings us to…

Rule #2 - Use your ability to envision higher. 

There is great power in our ability to envision a different outcome, a better outcome. There is magic in our ability to believe something is possible even when we can’t see how it will come about. And, more importantly, there is transformational power in this same scenario when we believe it to be truly possible for us. (Take note: That can mean either in a positive or negative way.) 

Rule #3 - Create from your heart.

I spend a lot of time helping my clients connect to their inner wisdom, the soul’s guidance that is found in the heart. This voice is indignantly wiser than our minds. When we listen to what this highest version of ourselves desires, we create a life of abundance, ease, and grace. It’s not about the fancy cars and mansions (though, if that’s what your soul mandates, go for it). The point is, the success story that you’ll talk about for years to come is when we take the guidance of our hearts. 

Rule #4 - Believe it or forget it. 

Let me digress. What I spend a lot of time working out as my clients share are their subconscious, limiting beliefs. Without our knowing it, we, as Neville Goddard so brilliantly phrased it, “… attract not what we want but what we believe to be true.”  

So it’s important to unpack what we actually believe to be true and possible. Otherwise, the manifestation hits a brick wall.

Rule #4 - Make it real.

Neville also taught about the power of engaging all our senses. You can’t just create a vision board and expect magic. Instead, engage your sense of sight, sound, hearing, taste, and touch as well. Allow yourself to step into a space of dreamland where this concept you wish to create is already done. Now, walk around in this space and engage all your senses as if you’re in the present day, there. This is an incredible way to trick our minds and bodies into shifting realities far more quickly than any story can ever accomplish. 

Rule #5 - Decide. 

When we make a decision, we put a stake in the ground and decree it so. Many people fail to accomplish what they desire because they hesitate to draw the line of this is where I’m heading and I will not go back. Giving yourself any other option dilutes the order placed to the universe for what you desire. 

Rule #6 - Ignore outside influences

There are lots of people who will tell you that your dream isn’t possible. They’ll show up quickly, examples in tow. Don’t listen. The truth is, few people can hold the space for our success, especially if it means ascending beyond their level. This includes our family members as well. It’s human nature. It takes evolved beings to hang with you when you’re succeeding and they are not. Ignore them - except for those that cheer you on and don’t mind your going to the next level (perhaps without them). 

Rule #7 - Give up the struggle. 

I find that most of the folks I’ve worked with suffer from the belief that they have to work hard and struggle to make good things happen in their lives. Catch yourself if you fall into this pattern and decide to notice those people who seem to create amazing things with grace and ease. Sometimes we need new reference points to change our reality. 

Rule #8 - You’re worthy. Already.

This is a hard one for most to swallow, especially when we’ve been raised in a culture that had less and frowned upon being wealthy or successful. Do the work to dispel the transgenerational beliefs that hold you to lesser than possibilities. You can triumph beyond what your ancestors achieved. It serves everyone, including your past generations. 

My client is off and running with a new framework for what steps to take and the importance of deep listening to her heart. She’s excited, hopeful, and willing to believe in some miracles. 

That’s the best place to start. 

I hope you too can shift our mindset from what is possible for you. 

Why wait? Make it a game to see how much you can achieve with these subtle tweaks to your way of addressing your future. Remember, you’re dreams and you are worth it!

Sara Loos

Sara Loos is certified Results & Impact coach and author who is helps women worldwide turn burnout into advancement energy so that they get the job, raise, relationship, results they truly desire.


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